Weird Al Yankovic!

Development update:  TerraDactyl is less satisfied with laying around.  When she's in her bouncer, she's a lot more wiggly.  And if it's leaning back, TerraDactyl spends a lot of the time trying to sit up.  It's kind of like watching her do crunches on an incline.

Time for a workout!

The last few days have been a little insane.  I spent most of my day Tuesday prepping for Wednesday.  I was planning and packing and pumping milk...  Why all the prep work?  Because Weird Al Yankovic came to town!  (Kind of like Santa Claus).  We had tickets to go see Weird Al with DH's Hometown Homies.  We'd bought the tickets ages ago when they first went on sale.  There was a limit to how many one person could buy (4), so DH and I both had to buy tickets so we could all go.  We were super on top of things, pressing refresh and waiting to simultaneously buy the tickets.  And we just barely got them.  The concert sold out in like 30 seconds.  It was insane.  But we got our tickets.

Of course we're fans of Sportsball!  It's the best!

The logistics of the concert were a little crazy.  The venue was 20 miles outside of town, so we wanted to carpool if possible.  But we also had TerraDactyl to think about.  Originally we'd planned on putting ear muffs on her and bringing her to the concert.  But...  she's not a big fan of the ear muffs and she didn't react well to the loudspeakers at the company picnic, so we figured we'd let a friend who wasn't going to the concert watch her instead of dragging TerraDactyl with us.  So.  We all met up at the Ruvalwoods, the guys all carpooled to the venue early to save us spots on the lawn (yep, DH took a half day of vacation for the concert), and TerraDactyl and I waited for Chayo to get home from work before I followed the guys out to the concert just before it started.  

Hanging out at the Ruvalwoods

The concert was great!  There was a full symphony traveling with Weird Al.  Weird Al's band did full costume changes for different songs, there were videos accompanying the songs, there was even a bit of audience involvement.  It was a lot of fun.  It was also fun seeing the demographics of the fans.  There were 6 year old uber fans along with the 60 year old "Original Vanguards".  Hippies and yuppies.  And the place was packed.  Not a surprise since it sold out.  The only problem with the concert?  It took us an hour to get out of the parking lot since I got there so late I was in the very back lot.  We got home super late (OK, 11:30pm - cut me some slack, that's super late now!).  


  1. May I suggest...

    1. If I had to choose a baseball team to support it would be the Mariners, but I'm just not a very good spectator. Or, let's be honest, a very good baseball player. I played softball for two years and my poor parents got to sit in the bleachers and watch me pick clovers and do cartwheels in the outfield.

    2. Okay, that sounds adorable. 🌻


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