Swaddle Up a Size!

After I'd been trying to use up all our size 1 diapers that TerraDactyl had outgrown it occurred to me that she was probably too big for her Swaddle Up pajamas too.  I checked her weight and she clocked in at 14.8 pounds!  Definitely time for the next size of PJ's.  I went ahead and ordered her the transition ones (the sleeves zip off) because I figure TerraDactyl will be trying to roll soon.  Once she starts rolling, I'm supposed to unzip one of her arms for a few nights and then end up with both arms out. 

The new PJ's look a bit like prison garb...

I'm trying to start doing yoga at home to increase my strength and flexibility.  And because it seems like an achievable workout with an infant.  I chose a 30 minute postpartum video.  It seemed perfect.  It only took me FOUR HOURS to get through all thirty minutes.  TerraDactyl was NOT a fan.  In the end, I did manage to get through the whole video as well as a short 10 minute video for neck and upper back issues.  But really, it took all day. 

I feel like there's a real "O Brother Where Art Thou" theme going on today...

DH spun my mattress for me to try and help out with my upper back issues.  And it definitely did!  I no longer have to scoot across the whole bed to pick up TerraDactyl for her night time feedings.  So that's nice.  Oh, and it's also nice not waking up in pain.  ;) 

Trying to scoot off the end of the changing pad...


  1. Those are defiintely new since my boys were babies (not THAT long ago...). Crazy. I'd never seen these Swaddling PJs before.

    1. I really like them. They keep her from waking herself up by scratching and flailing, but the middle of the night diaper changes are super fast. Plus I think they make her look like she has angel wings. DH says she looks like a baby seal, but that's still cute. ;)


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