Bounce with Me

When Jugger₀ came to play Werewolf Legacy with us, he brought his daughter's Jumper that she has outgrown.  TerraDactyl has been pushing with her legs lately, so we thought we'd try it out. 

She likes it!

When we first put her in, it was set up pretty high, so TerraDactyl couldn't actually reach the ground.  But she flailed around enough it was still bouncing pretty good.  Even after lowering the seat so that she can reach the ground, TerraDactyl gets more bounce from flails than from jumping.  But she seems to like it, so we'll call that a win. 

We finally used up the last of our size 1 diapers, so we're back in cloth diapers.  After spending so much time with disposables, I have to admit, I'm a little spoiled by that little color line that indicates when the diaper is wet.  :)  Ah well, I'm sure I'll acclimate back in no time. 

Growing into a new terry cloth footie pajamas for post-bath time

Did you see the kitty?


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