A Yoga Success

Today I decided to try Mommy & Me yoga instead of just regular yoga.  This went over a lot better with TerraDactyl.  She liked having my attention.  It doesn't matter if she's right in front of me while I'm doing yoga, if my face isn't directed at her, she gets irritated. 

TerraDactyl is very interested in this mirror

We also tried Baby yoga.  TerraDactyl seemed to like it, but again, it's probably just because I was paying attention to her and interacting with her.  I don't know that she liked it any better than when I read her books, or give her a bath.  The last part of the baby yoga was tummy time and TerraDactyl nearly rolled over!  She was so close.  She just sort of hovered on the edge of her balance.  At one point I thought she was going to turn over, but she seemed to dislike the loss of balance feeling and jerked back to her belly.  She would have rolled over so easy if she had just pushed off the ground with her left hand.  Instead she was holding the arm up in the air and using it to balance. 

Look Ma, no hands!

Oddly enough, my neck actually felt better after doing Mommy & Me yoga instead of the neck specific video.  So I guess I'll be skipping the specialized neck and upper back yoga in the future...

I can do this all day.


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