A Weekend of Parties

We had a very full weekend.  Saturday we had DH's work's summer picnic.  It's a pretty big to-do.  There's lunch and ice cream and swag give-a-ways, and a giant slip and slide.  I haven't had a chance to do the slip and slide yet.  I'm hoping next year will be a good year for it.  :D  There was also a petting zoo, a butterfly house, and a couple exotic animals - like a wallaby (so cute!).

DH catching a butterfly on a sugar paintbrush

We were at the picnic for about four hours.  TerraDactyl did pretty well, but she was a bit touch and go for a while.  I think the loudspeakers they had set up for give-a-ways and music bothered her.  She calmed down when we took her off on the nature walk, away from the noise.  Fortunately it was only 77°F or so because I kept TerraDactyl in the Tula carrier the whole time and I've got the tan lines to prove it.  ;)

TerraDactyl likes the butterfly

Sunday I got a massage!  My left neck/shoulder/upper back has been bothering me for a while, so I had a massage to try and relax the giant knot back there.  I was gone for about 90 minutes and while I was talking to the masseuse I realized that this was the first time DH was alone with TerraDactyl!  She's nearly 4 months old.  I had tried to strategize when I scheduled this massage - right about the time TerraDactyl takes her long nap.  So I fed her right before I left, and she fell asleep.  I figured DH could just snuggle her while she slept and it would be easy peasy.  Unfortunately, I did not share this plan explicitly enough with DH.  After I passed the sleeping TerraDactyl off to him, he layed her down for her nap and she woke up before I'd even left the house.  And then spent the next hour crying and telling him she was hungry.  Woops. 

Watch out below!

Sunday was also book club.  We read Shonda Rhimes' Year of Yes.  Only one of us had actually watched one of her shows (Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder), so we were not exactly her target audience.  I thought it was interesting though.  She was funny.  I also think it's probably better as an audiobook than a reading book.  I ended up listening to the book because of time constraints with taking care of TerraDactyl and library availability, but everyone else read the book.  It seemed like it was written very conversationally, so I think it just comes across better in audio format. 

The brownies w/ fudge frosting I made for book club - I might have gone a bit far with this dessert...

We also played some board games before book club while we waited for everyone to arrive.  I was introduced to Azul which is a pretty straightforward tile collecting game.  It was a lot of fun, I really liked it.  But I also won, so maybe that's why I liked it...  ;)  Either way, the designs on the tiles are just plain beautiful.  We were all exhausted by the time we got back home. 

TerraDactyl helped me win Azul (by sitting on my lap distracting my opponents)

Since TerraDactyl has started rolling over, I've started the process of unswaddling her - note the green arm.  After she gets used to sleeping like this I get to unzip the other wing and she'll have two free arms.  I'm not entirely sure how to declare when she's "used to it".  I think she might already be OK with two free arms since she often naps with her arms free during the day, but I figure I'll give it a couple nights just to be sure.  I don't want to jinx our sleeping routine.

That's one tired baby after a long weekend


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