One Month Pediatrician Visit

TerraDactyl turned one month old yesterday!

What??  Where did the time go?

As a one-month-old, TerraDactyl had another pediatrician visit.  She is 10.0 lbs!  And 21.5 inches long.  Both measurements put her in the 75th percentile.  The doctor said she's looking healthy and we're doing a great job.  :)

The doctor also gave us a sample of vitamin D drops and said to give TerraDactyl one a day.  So I mentioned that we'd been keeping the stroller cover over TerraDactyl when we go on walks and asked if we should open it up for some sun exposure.  The doctor said that since we're in Oregon, we don't get enough quality sun time to allow babies to produce their own vitamin D, BUT babies can sunburn within 15 minutes!  And since their skin is so sensitive, sunblock is not advisable.  She said to keep TerraDactyl covered, but be aware of the heat because heatstroke can be a big problem for babies.

The weather was beautiful, so we went on a walk and then played frisbee with Riley (the dog) in the back yard while TerraDactyl napped.  And I finally managed to bake my cake!  I made Wacky Cake.  It's a depression era recipe that doesn't need eggs, milk, or butter.  All the ingredients that were difficult to get ahold of back in the day.  I love this cake.  It's delicious, and SO easy to make.  It all just stirs up in one bowl!  And the ingredients are all staples that I've always got on hand, so I don't need to make a special trip to the grocery store.  :)

My mom and sister came for dinner, since they're in town visiting for a few days.  We spent the evening chatting and passing the baby around.  We even managed to sucker them into changing a few diapers!  :D

TerraDactyl meeting her aunt for the first time

Here's the recipe for Wacky Cake if you have your own cake craving:

Wacky Cake


  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 6 Tbsp cocoa* - or 2 2-oz melted unsweetened chocolate or 6 Tbsp carob
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 Tbsp vanilla
  • 3/4 cup cooking oil or melted butter
  • 2 Tbsp vinegar  (or 4 Tbsp lemon juice)
  • 2 cups cold water


  1. Sift the first 5 ingredients (dry) together in a bowl. 
  2. Add remaining ingredients (wet).
  3. Stir until well combined.  The batter will be very thin.
  4. Pour into a greased 9" x 13" pan 
  5. Bake 40-50 minutes at 350 degrees F, until tester comes out clean.  Can also be baked as cupcakes (20-25 min), or in 2 layers.
  6. Let cool thoroughly and then frost!  (I use a vanilla butter cream recipe, but go with your favorite!)
Mmm...  I love cake!


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