The Trials of Recording Memories

For Mother's Day I got a baby book for TerraDactyl (thanks Janet!).  Yesterday, I figured I needed to start filling things out before I got too far behind.  I got us caught up, but man, there are some very difficult things about baby books.

I got one of these "clean touch" hand print kits because I thought that would be awesome to have in a baby book (instead of the hand tracing the book suggested).  The hospital did TerraDactyl's feet prints for us the day she was born, so I just needed to get her hands.  Seems simple.  It's SO not simple.  As soon as anything touches her hands, TerraDactyl makes a fist and tries to grab it.  DH and I tried half a dozen times to try and get a hand print and they all looked awful.  So bad it was a stretch to figure out it was a hand print.  And the whole time TerraDactyl was protesting LOUDLY.  So we gave up.

An hour or so later, TerraDactyl fell asleep with her arms over her head, hands perfectly splayed for printing.  We decided to give it one last try.  And it worked!  SO.  If you're ever planning on getting your baby's hand prints, wait until they're asleep with open hands and THEN try to take the impression.

A little smeary, a little unfinished, but the best set we got!

Another item for the baby book:  A picture commemorating the one-month milestone.  That one wasn't quite as traumatic as the hand prints were, but it was still difficult.  TerraDactyl was super active (and therefore blurry).  Riley needed to help.  The lighting wasn't great...  I ended up taking about 50 pictures (unfortunately, this is not an exaggeration).  I got some good shots, but I also got a lot like this:

Fortunately, TerraDactyl is not afraid of Riley

We also started using cloth diapers yesterday!  I think I've finally got everything I need to do cloth diapering.  And we're at a spot where the extra laundry shouldn't be overwhelming.  Plus we're almost out of disposables, so it was either time to buy more diapers, or start in on the cloth diapering.  :)  So, we're jumping in and seeing how it goes.  After nearly a whole day of it, we're doing OK.  I'm feeling confident.  Here's hoping I stay this confident.

TerraDactyl seems to like her cloth diapers

It doesn't hurt that the diapers are all so darn cute!  I do think I'll miss that little pee-indicator line on the disposables though.  That's pretty handy.


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