For the Love of Changing Pads

The weather has been absolutely beautiful here, which is great.  Except for the allergies.  There's so many blooms and so much cut grass...  Both DH and I have been sneezy and sniffly.  And while TerraDactyl is a decent sleeper, sneezes can be startling.  Pair the startle factor in with the fact that TerraDactyl is happiest when sleeping in someone's arms...  It can wreck havoc on the naps.

Having a baby nap on you for hours can leave an impression...

We're trying to get TerraDactyl more comfortable with napping on places other than a warm body, but it's slow going.  And it seems to feed the problem.  She's fussier when she doesn't nap enough and then it's harder to get her to sleep...  It's a vicious, vicious cycle.  But, she's still a happy baby.

Smiling at daddy

Actually, she's happiest on her changing pad.  I don't know if you've noticed, but most of my smiling baby pictures come immediately after changing a diaper.  She LOVES her changing pad.  So sometimes we just hang out there for a while.  Maybe I should try moving her changing pad to where I'm trying to work and see if she still likes hanging out there...

More quality changing pad time!

Riley is continuing to adjust to his new life, displaced as the favored child.  Sometimes I'm not sure if he's submitting gracefully to his new position, or instigating a bit of sibling rivalry.

This is obviously the place to nap!

What do you think?  Is Riley sleeping in TerraDactyl's Dock-a-Tot a show of bonding?  Or is it an attempt to displace the baby?  Or is it just a coincidence and he likes to sleep on soft surfaces?


  1. In high school, I had a cat who would stand or lay on any new object in her view. Once I took two pieces of paper, set one near her, and when she stepped on it, I set the second paper in front of the first. She moved to the second, so then I moved the first in front of the second sheet. She moved again. I got her to do this dance from one side of the room to the other. So...maybe Riley has the same sort of tendency?

    1. That's pretty awesome. I don't know that you could lead Riley quite like that (mostly because it'd be too slow for him), but he certainly does like to lay on new things. And he'd rather lay on a pillow that's on a bed than just the bed itself. :) So it's not totally out of character for him.


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