Chocolate has been restored!

How can you not love that smile??

TerraDactyl is enjoying the sunny weather.  It's warmer, so she's comfortable in just onesies most of the time.  She's maybe a little fussier than she used to be, but she's still happy.  And we're starting to get smiles in response to our smiles, not just random ones. 

After the horrifying realization that we had NO chocolate chips at our house, DH bought some on the next grocery trip. 

This should last us for a while...

Did you notice that this is a four POUND bag?  Can you tell this grocery trip was to Costco?  I don't think we'll be running out of chocolate chips for some time now.  :)

The cloth diapering experiment is still going strong.  We've gone through a few loads of laundry, we seem to be doing laundry every other day.  The weather's nice, so I've got them hanging outside so they dry extra fast. 

What a load of diapers

There's extra time involved with cloth diapering (washing the diapers, hang drying, and assembling them once they're clean), but we also don't have to spend a ton of money on disposable diapers every couple of weeks.  Plus, our city trash can is pretty small and the disposables were taking up most of the space in there.  Our set up is easy enough that DH hasn't even complained about the fact that we're storing a bunch of dirty diapers in a dry pail in the nursery.

Riley's been displaced by TerraDactyl


  1. I saw her 7 days ago and she seems to have grown! Love you ( I had to blog on Opa's machine)

    1. Well, she's certainly eating enough, she SHOULD be growing! Part of me wishes our changing table had a scale like the hospital so I could graph her weight daily, but... That seems a little crazy. Plus I think I don't have time or energy for that. :)

  2. I've finally caught up with the blog, and it's wonderful! Keep those posts coming. It's incredible to see the changes happening so fast. And I'm glad you aren't living a chocolate-free life anymore.


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