Babies at Book Club

We had a busy day yesterday!  We had book club on the east side of Portland, so we combined multiple errands over on that side of town.  We ended up being out of the house for NINE hours!  All three of us!  It was crazy!  AND...  it was not a complete disaster!

How did we pull THAT off?

We accomplished all of our errands:  returning some stuff, I got some button up shirts for easier breast feeding, visiting with friends, and we made it to book club.  The only thing we did not manage:  buying a cake to share at book club.  I was kind of bummed about this.  I'd meant to bake a cake and ran out of time.  And then we didn't even have time to buy one!  Oh well.  Maybe I'll get around to it today.

While we were out and about, I discovered that when the weather is reasonable, it's definitely preferable to change TerraDactyl's diaper in the trunk of the car (we have a hatchback) rather than in a store.  We also got some practice using our Tula baby carrier.  I like it.  It's comfortable.  However, I do not see how it can possibly be used by a single parent.  The two shoulder straps buckle together in the middle of my shoulder blades!  Maybe some people can reach back there and buckle that thing (while a baby is in front of you), but I am not one of them!  I thought my terrible shoulder flexibility would stop impacting my life once I quit gymnastics, but apparently I've been proven wrong.  I can't even unbuckle it by myself!  So if the husband is not around, I think I'm going to have to use a different baby carrier.  Fortunately, I have other options (thank you generous family and friends!).

Book club was fun, as always (this month was Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud).  TerraDactyl was a CHAMP.  We had two back-to-back diaper changes when we first got there, and then a feeding, and then she passed out for the rest of it.  We were there for 3.5 hours and she probably spent a grand total of two minutes being fussy (just fussy, not even crying!).  It was awesome.  Maybe she was showing off for our friends.  Of course, we didn't set her down the entire time we were there.  TerraDactyl always sleeps better when she's being snuggled.

It was very late by the time we finally got home, but it was a fun day.

Recovering from our very late night at book club.  Everyone wants a snuggle.


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