Zoo, Binoculars, and Birthday

The other day we had a bald eagle in our backyard. We were out there doing yard work all day. And it wasn't quiet. DH chopped up the chunks of lilac that I had to cut off the bush, messed about with the hedge trimmers, mowed the lawn... And the eagle just hung out in the tree the whole time. I couldn't get a great picture of him up in the tree with the zoom on my phone, so we improvised. This was taken through our binoculars. To be honest, it turned out a lot better than I expected it to. TerraDactyl was very interested in the binoculars, of course. DH was trying to look at the eagle and TerraDactyl kept sticking her face in front of them. She was quite pleased when she got her turn to look through the binoculars. TerraDactyl was playing around with some alphabet stickers and she held up the two "o's" and said, "these are mynoculars". She's got a pretty great imagination. It's always interesting to...