
Showing posts from April, 2022

Zoo, Binoculars, and Birthday

The other day we had a bald eagle in our backyard.  We were out there doing yard work all day.  And it wasn't quiet.  DH chopped up the chunks of lilac that I had to cut off the bush, messed about with the hedge trimmers, mowed the lawn...  And the eagle just hung out in the tree the whole time.  I couldn't get a great picture of him up in the tree with the zoom on my phone, so we improvised.  This was taken through our binoculars.  To be honest, it turned out a lot better than I expected it to.   TerraDactyl was very interested in the binoculars, of course.  DH was trying to look at the eagle and TerraDactyl kept sticking her face in front of them.  She was quite pleased when she got her turn to look through the binoculars.   TerraDactyl was playing around with some alphabet stickers and she held up the two "o's" and said, "these are mynoculars".  She's got a pretty great imagination.  It's always interesting to see what she'll pretend an ob

Second Easter Egg Hunt

TerraDactyl got to go on her second Easter Egg Hunt.  Last year she hunted for eggs all by herself.  This year, she had competition.  We were at a friend's house and they have a little girl who is 4 (a year older than TerraDactyl).  She's one of TerraDactyl's three friends.  It's tough being a kid during a pandemic.   The little girls (and adults) got to dye and decorate hard-boiled eggs.  Then the little girls got to look for the eggs we'd decorated, as well as the plastic eggs with the fun stuff inside.  TerraDactyl definitely had fun.   But TerraDactyl definitely needs to work on her strategy.  She spent most of the time following the older girl, so she didn't get nearly as many eggs.  But she didn't seem to care that they didn't have the same amount of eggs.  The only time she protested was when the other girl seemed like she was going to take one of the eggs that TerraDactyl had found.  Which is a fair response, I think.  I come from a very  competi

The World is My Playground

TerraDactyl absolutely loves climbing on things.  If it's possible to climb, she'll try it.  The last time we went grocery shopping, she spent 20 minutes climbing on the cart return before I finally convinced her that we needed to get the groceries home.  It might have been just as difficult to convince her to leave that parking lot as it usually is to convince her to leave the park. My parents have a photo of my brother doing a plank with his feet on a dining room chair and his hands on the table while he looked at the comics.  I'm not sure how old he was when they took that photo, but I think TerraDactyl would like to try and outdo him.  She's already practicing... TerraDactyl also enjoys climbing all over me.  I was trying to eat breakfast while she was doing this.  She's also got a really good grip, so her headlocks are pretty decent.  It can be overwhelming to have thirty-ish pounds pulling on you while simultaneously choking you.  And yes.  She's completel

Teaching a Toddler to Talk/Pizza Party!

TerraDactyl saw a music video the other day about a pizza party (which she listened to nonstop for like an hour).  They described (and showed) how to make a pizza in the song.  She then spent the next 20 minutes begging me for a pizza party.  I told her we could eat pizza for dinner, but we'd need to go grocery shopping and make the pizza first.  She wasn't happy about waiting until dinner, but she finally relented.  So here is TerraDactyl putting her pizza together.   TerraDactyl was not great at spreading the toppings out.  Also, She ate a ton of olives and pineapple while working on the pizza.  Good thing we had way more than we needed.   She was actually pretty good about not making a mess.  We should probably be doing more cooking together.  She ate two pieces of pizza that first night.  But to be honest, I think she liked making the pizza more than eating it.  I think I've eaten more of the pizza at this point than she has.  So maybe we'll just make regular pizza