
Showing posts from December, 2020

Fashion Show Updated!

It's all about mommy's clothes!   TerraDactyl remembers exactly which drawer mommy keeps her T-shirts in, and will go straight to it and start playing dress up.  I actually ended up moving some of my shirts just because I got tired of re-folding them all the time.  But I did leave a few just for TerraDactyl to play with.   Usually, she hands the shirts to me and asks me to put them on for her.  But she actually got this shirt on by herself (mostly).   She's also super excited about opening the doors to my dresser and finding more clothes inside.  Check out those curls!  the back of her hair is getting pretty long.  The front, too.  Her bangs are getting to the point where they need another trim.     I tried out another recipe the other day, Earl Grey Yogurt Cake .  It was really good.  Although I didn't really think about the caffeine content when I ate a slice after dinner.  Thankfully, it didn't keep me up...  :)   TerraDactyl is amazingly agile in her little slee

Merry Christmas!

TerraDactyl is much more interested in presents this year.  It took us a while to convince her it was OK to tear the wrapping paper, but once she got the hang of it, TerraDactyl wanted to open ALL the presents. Initially, she was interested in the presents, but eventually it seemed like she just wanted to unwrap things.  Open one present and move on to the next.  Repeat. Part of her lack of excitement was probably due to the fact that she was opening presents for grown-ups, so they're just not that interesting for kids.  But she sure did like opening them up.  And even playing with the empty boxes.   She also really enjoys making messes, so I'm sure that added to the excitement for her as well.  :) She did like her presents though.  Here she is running over to me so I could read her new book.  Well, the first few pages anyways.  We don't always read entire books during the day because TerraDactyl gets distracted.  But she usually lets us finish books when we read them to he

Mud on Your Face, You Big Disgrace

Remember that Queen song, We Will Rock You ?  There's that line: "You got mud on your face, you big disgrace"?  Well, TerraDactyl and I should have made our own music video for it.  We went out for a walk, but only made it down the hill to our neighbor's driveway.  They had the most amazing mud puddle, and TerraDactyl spent 10 minutes just running from one end of the puddle to the other.  I took some video, but unfortunately, I missed the amazing face plant.  She must have had her mouth open when she fell, because when she pushed her face up to start crying, her mouth was FULL of mud.  This picture above is after I took her coat off and used the inside to wipe out her mouth as well as wipe off her face. So, after a quick clean up, I picked TerraDactyl up and we hoofed it up the hill to our house, where I intended to go straight to the bath with her.  But when I set TerraDactyl down to open up the gate, she ran over to the front porch and started messing around up the


  TerraDactyl poses quite a conundrum for us.  She loves playing outside in the rain and mud.  And she has zero problems with getting her hands and mittens muddy.  BUT, once they're muddy, TerraDactyl no longer wants to wear them. So.  What's a mom to do?  For a while I was washing her mittens by hand every day, since she only had the one pair.  Obviously, that was less than ideal.  I found a batch of mittens for like, a buck a pair.  So I bought 16 pairs.  SixTEEN pairs?  Doesn't that seem excessive?   Nope.  Not at all.  At the rate TerraDactyl goes through them, that's just about right.  :)  She likes to play outside twice a day.  If there's mud (and there's pretty much always mud), she's just about guaranteed to touch it with her mittens.  And then insist I take her mittens off.  So I try to keep an extra pair of mittens in my pocket, just in case she'll allow me to put the clean ones on.  So, we go through like 3-4 pairs of mittens a day.  Wh

More Please!

  Months ago, I tried teaching TerraDactyl baby sign language.  And she never used it.  So I gave up on it.  And then...  A few months ago, TerraDactyl just sort of started using the signs a bit.  Basically, she just said "all done" and "milk".  And then, very recently, she started using the sign for "more" (pictured above)!  I mean, I haven't tried to use this sign with her in over 9 months!  It's nuts!  One day we were eating and she just started doing it when she finished all the food on her tray.  I cannot even fathom how she tucked this knowledge away for so long, just to whip it out now.   So, TerraDactyl has been asking for "more" food for a little while now.  But she's only ever used the sign for food.  Probably because that's the only time I ever used it with her.  I'm not sure why all the signs I introduced were focused on food.  Captive audience?  Anyways.  Yesterday, TerraDactyl used the "more" sign to in