
Showing posts from June, 2022

Heat Pump Installation Complete!

 After several setbacks (being ghosted by companies, an incorrect quote that had to be redone, having to reschedule the installation visit, underestimating installation time leading to a second visit...) we finally got our heat pump installed and working!  Just in time, too!  Check out that temperature difference!  This indoor temperature is probably a little bit hotter than actuality because it's right next to the window.  It was more like 74 degrees inside.  It's nice having the day time temperature being so reasonable, but the real benefit is the night time temperature!  It's so much easier to sleep now, especially since I'm pregnant.  I've barely been using a sheet to sleep with for months, I wasn't sure how I was going to sleep in the heat of the summer.   This picture was a special request from TerraDactyl.  She wanted a picture of herself and her little sister together.  She's been pretty sweet hugging and snuggling with her little sister and even dec