
Showing posts from October, 2021

Rumors and Randomness

TerraDactyl was playing quietly in her room, so I came in to check on her.  Because she doesn't usually do that unless she's pooping.  She wasn't pooping.  Instead, I came in to find that she had removed all four tires from one of her matchbox cars (you can see the tiny tires by the baby bottle).  TerraDactyl requested that I "fix" the car.  Thankfully, this was a quality car.  It had rubber tires that fit over plastic discs on the axle.  It was a pretty easy fix.  When I handed the car back to her, TerraDactyl immediately removed all four tires again in less than a minute and placed them all in my hand. Up until now, I've just let TerraDactyl brush her teeth by chewing on one of those infant finger toothbrush things.  She'll run around playing for 10 minutes while chomping away on it.  I finally decided that we should probably start working on the actual mechanics of tooth brushing, so I got her a different style of tooth brush.  I...