
Showing posts from July, 2020

Canning and Baking

Canned whole raspberries We canned some whole, fresh raspberries.  One of the cans didn't seal though.  So I made a pearry pie.  This was a two-fer.  I got to get rid of some the pears that TerraDactyl has been refusing to eat and I got to add the raspberries that didn't seal.  First batch of raspberry jam We also made a small batch of raspberry jam.  I wanted to test the recipe before I committed to a huge batch of jam.  Plus, it's tough canning with a toddler.  I wanted some practice. Finally used the clearance mint/chocolate chips I bought in January DH discovered that his Garmin watch will give him badges for certain things.  So last Saturday his goal was to get 30,000 steps.  So he went for a run first thing in the morning.  When he got back, TerraDactyl was awake, so he took her for a long walk so I could sleep in.  And then we all went for a hike!  It wasn't super long (about 4 miles) but I was pretty tired of packing TerraDactyl around.  One

Rollin' and Strollin'

We're Back! Phew!  We've been super busy!  Things have been a little crazy, just one small thing after another.  TerraDactyl got off her sleeping/napping schedule so that really messed us up for a bit.  And then we were trying to deal with an overabundance of garden produce...  And well, things just kept happening. Since we can't swing at parks, we've had to go private We've been taking stroller walks lately.  TerraDactyl loves her stroller.  She'd really love it if I'd take up jogging, but really, that's never going to happen.  Every now and then I'll run for a bit though.  She thinks that's the best thing ever.  And this helps keep us both cooler, since she's not strapped to my body.  Just a couple of cool kids DH's been trying to get 10,000 steps everyday, so we're doing our best to help him out when he needs it.  We have to make sure we put the stroller away though, because if we leave it out, TerraDactyl can cl