
Showing posts from February, 2021

An M. Night Shyamalan natural

On the weekends, DH entertains TerraDactyl in the morning so I can sleep in.  However, she's got really good hearing, so she knows the second I get out of bed.  I try to be quiet so I can get dressed and sneak into the bathroom before she demands to be latched onto me, but I rarely succeed.  The other weekend, TerraDactyl and I re-enacted that  scene  from the movie Signs, with a few twists:  TerraDactyl was the alien, I was trapped in my bedroom (and trying to sneak out without her knowledge), and, of course, there was no knife.  DH got the picture above of TerraDactyl reaching under my door trying to get to me.   DH is usually in charge of putting TerraDactyl to bed.  I help get her teeth brushed and changed into her pajamas, but DH reads the bedtime stories and lays her down.  She's always tried to delay bedtime by requesting a ridiculous number of bedtime stories.  Even after DH tells her this is the last one, she'll still ask for more.  (I hear toddlers are known for